We all do come across people who
daily face a vast rift between what they fully intend to do and doing it, in
all facets of their lives. Just to clarify - Prioritization of work and
therefore, delaying any work because some other is more important can certainly
not be referred to as procrastination. While few don’t have any reason for
procrastinating since it after certain duration gets imbibed in their habit and
daily work-style. One speculation of procrastination is that few people like
the adrenaline rush of postponing things to the last hour and find excitement
in it. I am sure this rationality will find very few buy-ins.
This leads to conclusion that
procrastination is significantly associated with human psychology and
therefore, opens gates for further discussion. Often success in any sphere
means transformation or change and people are apprehensive about or reluctant
to any kind of change. This is quite common and nothing peculiar about it. A
very practical way of overcoming this obstacle is to be adaptive and learn to
embrace change. Try to gauge what this change will bring about – more often
than not one will realise the positives outweigh the negatives.
The road to success passes via
good planning, commitment, punctuality and of course, hard work.
Procrastinating things/work may lead to excitement, experience of working under
pressure and sometimes, to success but it is definitely not the safest and
surest way to success. In life, you should avoid one big risk at all costs, and
that is the risk of doing nothing. Procrastination assassinates the opportunity
in your hand. It will always keep you caught in the web of yesterday and
consequently, you will never be able to move to today (forget about tomorrow).
The best way to do something is to begin. To conclude, I will borrow a quote
which I read few days back “Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot
of fun until you get the bill.”